My father currently has AL Amyloidosis. He is 68 while i am 15. He battles with this disease every single day as so do i since i am the one taking care of him. It has been the hardest thing to deal with for my family. Nothing seems to be working. He has lost over 135 pounds in a year. He can't do anything without help. I pray to god every single day that they will find something that will make him all better so he will be able to see me graduate high school.. He is not eligible for transplants but is on alkaran 4 days out of a month. He takes dozens of medications but he still is in a poor state. He eats less than a bird and sleeps all day. This is possibly the worst thing someone would have to go through and i just hope he will miraculously get better..but every doctor has said he will only have 4 years left max. If he even does well with the treatment.
Replied on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:29 PM