ChrisSalmon (Guest)
"new research shows that as attendance of AA meetings increase, so do the participants spiritual beliefs, especially in those individuals who had low spirituality at the beginning of the study."
That's not a good thing, is it? You cannot possibly be advocating that humans become more superstitious than they already are? Are you? Isn't this a science based site?
Also there is a completely different way to interpret this data - that increased exposure to the propaganda of the cult is degrading these people's rational thinking ability.
Replied on Friday, December 17, 2010 9:30 AM
the cult?
Replied on Friday, December 17, 2010 12:58 PM
karinlburke (Guest)
AA makes no bones about the fact it is a spiritual program. There are a lot of people who fear or are uncomfortable with that, calling it a 'cult'. It's not religious. There are atheists and agnostics in the ranks. Spiritual means ethical, more than it does religious, and there is no controversy between science and AA.
That successful recovery is based on spirituality, a 'psychic change', or a paradigm shift is fairly accepted; the hows and the whys are less accepted. Most people articulate that as a 'spiritual awakening'. But then again, most people in this country say they believe in god.
There's nothing wrong with that. see my site www.whiskeyandporn.com for more.
Replied on Friday, December 17, 2010 9:17 PM