seizureman (Guest)
WHO will study and research the facts that MonoSodiumGlutamate aka MSG, CARRAGEENAN aka MSG, Soy Protein Isolates/Concemtrates aka MSG YEAST EXTRACT aka MSG and Nitrates found in hams/pork products and all smoked seasoned foods, all those things Can and do cause GRAND NAL seizures and can cause them quicker if a person has any scar tissue or leisons on the brain. Hello I am living with the facts above with a leison and now without a leison for ten years. Someone needs to take people like me serious before we all may die from SUDEP thanks to the foods and drinks we consume. Some people like myself knows from our brain reactions if a food or drink is safe to eat when a product claims NO MSG yet it has MSG in it called by another name. It's been 50 years now that I have lived with the condition of seizures. I would think there would be one person out there somewhere who would believe everything I have said about my condition. I thought N I H would had been that place but I was wrong. They are not right on everything NINDS claims is the causes of seizures / epilepsy. No one there I knew lived with it to know what it is like to live with a condition you hate. Life is great knowing that others do not know everything. If I knew everything, I never would ever have any more Grand Mal seizures or auras.
Replied on Thursday, December 9, 2010 8:50 AM