HollyJ_TX (Guest)
A tremendous victory for our children's health would be to have more nutritious, home-cooked meals, eaten at a table, with the whole family present and the TV turned off - followed by an outdoor activity such as walking around the block or playing catch in the back yard.
A tremendous victory for our children's health would be saying "No" to fast food eaten so often that it leads to obesity. Both my kids had their share of Happy Meals; neither of them are obese.
I'm all for limiting corporate power in government [maybe start by enforcing the antitrust laws already on the books, or cutting tax incentives for companies that slash jobs in their home countries], but not for government interfering in how corporations do business on this kind of microscopically controlling level. If this is what it takes to have healthy kids, it says something horribly sad about the state of parenting and families in general.
Replied on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 8:59 AM