adaml (Guest)
It's important that those who have PTSD find a way to deal with it, and there needs to be a larger discussion of what can be done.
I'm working with a company called Prescription Audio (www.prescriptionaudio.com) who is making all of their PTSD products available at a 20% discount for Cyber Monday by using this code: CYBER20
If anyone can take advantage of this I hope it is helpful.
Replied on Monday, November 30, 2009 12:00 AM
Every woman has some type of permanent damage somewhere, every woman was abused every woman is destitute. The problem is the LAWYERS they know the judge is listening for buzz words. THE LIEING HAS TO STOP!! ,because when a woman like yourself who has a legitimate clam of abuse. Appear in court it sounds like the 1000 other stories. Abuse cannot be just a buzz word that the lawyers use to get the judges ear. It should stop.
Cliff Merchant MD
Replied on Saturday, August 27, 2011 3:58 AM