This is a deliberately inaccurate and misleading 'piece,' with a clear agenda of either comment-baiting and/or wilfully misleading those who read it.
As someone who recently purchased the Opus, I can confirm that the picture(s)referred to, are in no way paedophiliac in nature or context. I would like to add here that I would not have been interested in buying the book if they were.
The insinuations made in this article are also highly likely to be damaging for sales of the Opus which, as anyone who has bought it knows -is a beautifully presented, high-end, quality publication that has been endorsed by Sony, The Kraken Opus Franchise and The Michael Jackson Estate.
This article's inference that artwork included in the Opus book could, or would in any way contain pornography involving children is not only ludicrous, but in my opinion, could well form the basis for possible legal action.
For those who are interested: Mr Jackson commissioned a series of paintings with himself in classical/mythical settings - some of which incorporated cherubic elements that closely follow the stylings of traditional fine art.
Reading anything more than an appreciation of art into Mr Jackson's collection is grossly misrepresentative, and this article will now be passed on to those it may concern.
Replied on Sunday, January 3, 2010 12:00 AM
The article in no way represents the views of medindia, the onus is totally on the source that has provided the news item. If it is withdrawn by the publisher we will withdraw it too.
Replied on Sunday, January 3, 2010 12:00 AM