ericthepossibleschizophrenicepileptic (Guest)
PLEASE QUIT YOUR JOB NOW!!! WOW! I would EXPECT that YOU would NAME the drugs... INSTEAD of saying there is a problem, but NOT naming them!! HOW ABOUT telling us the drug names(not phenobarbital, its no longer used in the west). AED's? How about saying which ones they ARE!!! So those of us who are Epileptic, have neuropathic pain, have Migrains, or mood disorders can talk to OUR Dr's about this!! Saying there is a problem DOESNT HELP ANYONE!!! Naming the drugs DOES!!! I wish I was a newspaper writer... I KNOW I could write a WAY BETTER article than YOU!! You say the study was funded by NIOH & GlaxoSmithKline (WOW, Im surprised I know the abrev for National Institute of Health but YOU DONT!). HOW ABOUT TELL US WHO MADE THE DRUGS!!! NOT naming the drugs makes me EVEN MORE NERVOUS!!! This makes me think there is possibly MORE than one drug I have been taking for my Epilepsy that could cause these effects. YET I DONT KNOW WHICH ONES YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! This is like me wanting to hire someone for work; yet if I DONT GIVE INFO: about the job, who I want to hire, and about the MANUFACTURING company... NO ONE WILL KNOW ANYTHING EXCEPT I WANT TO HIRE SOMEONE!!!! SO... HOW ABOUT YOU DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH THIS ARTICLE... GIVE US THE NAMES OF THE DRUGS, AND THEIR MANUFACTURER. Dr's DONT call their patients to warn them, they dont have time for 1000's of ph calls. We as patients are expected to do the research OURSELVES, Im NOT expecting a call from my Dr. Nor do Pharmacists call their clients to warn them, they only print warnings and HOPE we as patients read them!! SO HERE YOU ARE, WRITING LIKE YOU WANT TO WARN PEOPLE... YET YOU DONT NAME THE DRUGS!!!!! PLEASE QUIT YOUR JOB NOW!!! LET MEDINDIA HIRE SOMEONE WHO WOULD WRITE TO HELP PEOPLE!!!!!
Replied on Thursday, October 22, 2009 12:00 AM
sureraj (Guest)
Hey buddy, NIH is not mentioned anywhere in the article...and AED's...the guys have mentioned phenobarbital, which happens to be the most widely used drug for the condition. Perhaps you read the story elsewhere and commented here?
Replied on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:00 AM