This flesh trade is derogatory to human values. Everything is so easily available and money overrules all our morals. Muslims are so conservative when it comes to their own women, why cant they enjoy their own women folks rather than abuse these minors. And if the muslim men can enjoy these prepubertal minors why cant their women enjoy some hunky male dancers from the west.
Replied on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:00 AM
 uae_girl (Guest)
prema >>>
i am muslim girl from UAE i agree with you but not because we didn't enjoy.....because our men do the most shame thing in the world and no one can stop them unfortnately...do you know why palestine still suffer now??? bacause our men busy in these dirty things
ohhhh its so shame ..
Replied on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:00 AM
hi.. nice to hear your thought. i wish i could meet such nice girl. i live in dubai if you are interested in friendship then just mail me.
Replied on Sunday, September 19, 2010 5:53 AM
ya prema i agree with you. usually these men r pot belly men. i'm sure their wives would love a handsome hot man with 6 packs. I'm sure those women feel sexually deprived. and I know alot does go behind these men's back that their husband's don't know while these pediphiles are with these girls. I have to say its makes me sad. I was approached by one of them fat pervs while i was visiting. It was so sickening. no amount of money will ever want me to do something like that.i'm a muslim girl myself. i wish these men would invest their money in a better cause.
Replied on Thursday, October 1, 2009 12:00 AM
Glad my comment has invited some protests, I think more women should vent out their feelings and protest against such distasteful acts. I do hope the Govt of India takes notice and stops these exploitative acts and catches the middlemen who arrange these girls. Having said this there is already a very active sex industry thriving from other Asian countries and east European countries, who find Dubai an easy territory to operate from.
Replied on Friday, October 2, 2009 12:00 AM