Those in goverment that come up with this type of supposed"savings" , seem to be beyond ignorant implimenting such seemingly uniformed decisions considering the consequences of many having cataract surgery extensively delayed. Those with cataracts forced to remain with poor vision, limited light penetrating aren't only restricted in various tasks, driving especially but at increased risk of depression. Less light penetrating can increase depression as becoming more isolated in not driving & doing what should be possible.Depressed elderly sucumb to declining cognitive function and many compensatory responses like turning to alcohol, altering levels of food consumption, reduced motivation in self care hasten other medical conditions. These then will incurr far greater costs of an ongoing type.It's just like with problems of negligable subsidies in dental care, podiatry & a number of other things.So many seperate parts of the body when impaired or diseased do not stay affected on their own, but have impact on other parts of the body & the persons functioning. Thus, resulting in new conditions needing treatments at far greater costs to subsidies, Cynically, I wonder if some if these legislators have shares in pharmaceutical companies or residential care facilities that the ensuing conditions will provide a growing market.
Replied on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:00 AM