me.rvd (Guest)
Wav its very very surprising!!!!!!!
Replied on Friday, July 24, 2009 12:00 AM
truthfulJAY (Guest)
The article is informative. I have a few comments in respect to what we are calling superstition. The superstition is not a superstition, it is a perfect science. There may be few beliefs which are not suggested in our scriptures. However, there are some beliefs like remaining inside the house, not cooking food during that period which are based on more scientific reason. Although I donot have very concrete proof for all these statements, however as far as my knowledge is concerned these things are suggested in the scriptures (I donot know exactly which scripture, but these are there). Our current science is also well aware of the effect of eclipse rays. However the effect studied is limited to the vision only, not extended to the other effects like effect on skin and effect on food and vegetables. Regarding the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, these are the terms which are used to mean the good and harmful effects. We do not know what effect the eclipse ray put on the baby in womb. If it puts a harmful effect on baby then it is surely inauspicious. The auspiciousness or inauspiciousness should be studied very scienficaly before marking them as superstious belief. If any scientist is discarding these beliefs without any scientific reason then he is surely following a superstitious sciece not the actualy science which is based on proper logic and reasoning.
Replied on Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:00 AM
anirudhkris (Guest)
you still haven't given a scientific explanation to the whole thing !!!
Replied on Friday, December 9, 2011 6:08 AM