Does anybody know whether the Scientoligists are being investigated for swindling dexamphetamine and other ADD medications over in France, like Germany, whilst defrauding real sufferers from their needed medications? Also, What were they pedaling through their fraudulent pharmacy? I think all should have access to cheap and quality meds, but I believe that saying to the world that drugs and or psychiatry are evil are cowardly and hypocritical when you're on pharmacy wizz.
Replied on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 12:00 AM
Another effort by the French to ban us. It does make good media, all these accusations and charges [none proven] sensationalised by the press. One thing I notice is that the hits on my website [RehabilitateNZ] go through the roof when these attacks on Scientology are happening, so in the end we win anyway. Anyone who thinks one womans accusation that she was forced to spend to much 8yrs ago is going to get Scientology banned from France is living in a fantansy world. Like I said though it does make good press
Replied on Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:00 AM