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Special Ventilation Masks Help Sleep Apnea Sufferers

Special ventilation masks help sleep apnea, a new Australian study has confirmed by analysing the brain patterns of sleeping people.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that can cause interrupted breathing leading to choking and even death while ...Read More

Posted on : Wednesday, May 6, 2009 12:00 AM
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Insomnia is a major problem which decreases life quality. Many causes are involved with it and anxiety is often associated. For many years I suffered from sleep apnea wich is one form of Insomnia. From Doctor to Doctor I went looking for solution to my problem.
Using masks for my sleep apnea and snorings. The mask helped me sleep, But again the same problem came back to me without the mask.
I believed my life would never be normal.Daytime sleepiness and tension where a part of my every-day life and I was just tierd of being tierd.
Turning and tossing every night waking-up more frequently than normal people, this suffering was not only infecting me, but my wife and family also.
I was told from my Doctor that my brain activety where differnt from normal people and also I had to were my mask every night to sleep comfortably
and without fear of choking in my sleep. The tests made by my Doctor showed that more then 1 minute non-breathing moments over the night where over 100
but using my oxigen mask discreasing about 70 persent.
I February 2009 I was browsing on the internet looking for something about Insomnia and came across a website with some pathes called Lifewave.
The first thing that came to my mind was a laughter to be honest. At first this sounded silly to me. To cure something with patches. But for some reasons I spent propably 2 hours reading.
What brought my attention to this product where the researches and clinical studies of it. I ordered Lifewave sleeping patches just 3 day after reading about it.
And after the first night my life took a dramatic change. My apnea was gone, my snoring is 90% less and my quality of life is so different from it was before.
I was stunned by the effect of Lifewave and I desided to tell others about this amazing product. My opinion is that Lifewave is going to help thousunds of people facing the same
problems I suffered from. And improve the quality of sleep and lifes of so many people in the future
Replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 12:00 AM

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