Rebecca Joy (Guest)
John and Kelly: I totally agree with you in your letter to the newspaper, to love your friends and family as though every day was the last day of their Earthly life. I too, have a medically fragile 14 year old son, with many, many concerns and I try to love him regardless of his many issues. He, also requires constant supervision from his care provider, teachers, or myself. We will continue to pray for strength for you for each tiny step in renewing your new life now without your son. God is a very gracious God and He gives us only the amount that we can handle. So we are much stronger than we think we are. Get invilved with doing something in memory of your son. I give my liquid gold(blood) in memory of my nephew wo died at 28 from liver failure and used massive amounts of blood before he died. Doing this one life sabving act of kindness helps me connect with him and focus on him during each donation.Recently, I watched FACE OFF in which you lost a very young son and I also watched JACK FROST in which a spose was killed. Maybe your past movies would help you get over the loss in some way. We love your talents and we continue to keep your family in our daily thoughts and prayers. REBECCA JOY
Replied on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 12:00 AM