 Kirth (Guest)
Interesting read... but has this intiative been publicized enough to garner wide spread support ?
Replied on Saturday, December 27, 2008 12:00 AM
This is an important initiative and needs to be amplified in many areas in India. Prevention is the only way forward for kidney failure in India. We congratulate the Kidney Help Trust and hope this report will be read by our policy makers.
Replied on Monday, December 29, 2008 12:00 AM
 basanta69 (Guest)
1 . What are the foods to control/prevents kideny failure. 2. Partly affected kideny failure person can marry.
Replied on Monday, February 9, 2009 12:00 AM
 slv1983 (Guest)
Hello sir, I want to know about the stem cell transplant for renal failure patients who under go dialysis is true. Stem cell operation/transplant can overcome the dialysis and what is the cost of the operation and how they do it. Please let me know, to help the people who are undergoing dialysis. Thank you very much.
Replied on Sunday, February 14, 2010 12:00 AM
Hello sir,
This is GopiNath from bangalore one of my Friend in madurai is sufferin from kidney failure [Due to over intake of pain killers]....He is unable to pay for his dialysis nor for a kidney transplant plzzzzzzzzzz kindly let me know if there is any foundation that can help save my frnds life
please please please please help him ....
Replied on Monday, July 12, 2010 10:09 AM