Mormons from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have been instructed to put money, time, and prayer into defeating gay marriage in California. This instruction came directly from the president of their church (aka Modern Day Prophet-like Moses or Matthew). Thus their salvation relies on the passage of the law prohibiting gay marriage. They honestly believe that it gay marriage is a slippery-slope, "when will it end...with children? with animals? with...," well, you get the idea. If that isn't crazy, un-Christian, AND a reason to pull their tax-exempt, non-profit (and prophet) status, I don't know what is. California Mormons have also been TOLD to VOTE FOR THE PROHIBITION, distribute and sign petitions, coerce their neighbors and coworkers, and brow beat their families into defeating a law giving equal rights to everyone. I hope 10 or 100 years from now, they are on their knees begging for forgiveness, not just from God, but from their fellow "brothers and sisters."
Replied on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:00 AM