It will be interesting to know about the genetic constitution of these 'transgenders'.If they were forced into castration,then a blood sample chromosome analysis will reveal that they have a XY constitution making them proper males,despite the castration.so are they really hermophrodites or eunuchs? Also, in lesbian couples there are instances of one female undergoing sex reasignment surgeries to take on the 'male' role. Are they transgenders? it will require more light to be thrown on this grey zone
Replied on Monday, August 18, 2008 12:00 AM
'EUNUCHS-Children of lesser God' is a demanding piece. Transgenders need a progressive and proactive understanding on the part of the wider society.The article extends the current context of the transgenders and also, an analysis of the dehumanising mariginalisation of them. Studies show there are types and types of transgenders. Some are born, some others are made, and someothers are volunteers. Speciailly the physiologically and sexually born'cross genders' need a profound self appropriation and a powerful societal acceptance. The article rightly beckons us to such a way of proceeding.
Replied on Saturday, December 20, 2008 12:00 AM
This Eunuch or hijras is a created problem by our own community. Because they are debared by their own parents they are lost and form a directionless community. Why cant the parents understand the problems and treat them normal and help them to educate themselves so that they can survive in the world like other beings. If one parent also who faces a child with this problem takes intiative in moulding the child and proving their capacity to survive in this world then the others will follow and they can lead a better life than what they are facing today. They dont have to beg or face day to day harrasment from others
Replied on Sunday, December 6, 2009 12:00 AM