Very Good Article. A Must read for every Women.Good Going REEJA.
Replied on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:00 AM
Fair sex in an unfair world? Are we here to lament? If a Sunitha Williams or a Kiren Bedi could do it why not others? The tone of such articles could be more constructive if an end result is desired.Crying over spilt milk only made it salty for the cat....Let women evolve or rather regain what they lost by working towards it like a Sunitha, like Prathiba, like Kiren Bedi. It surely is possible in every walk of life. As long as they are loved as Mom's,adored as friend's and respected as wife's or co workers by the chauvanist male they have the advantage. Good luck girls.
Replied on Thursday, June 19, 2008 12:00 AM
Nice to read about the article, we got to accept still its in a process of transition, there are two sides of a coin I would like to be optimistic, write about successful woman what made them to be leaders , well that would be inspiring to the reader. It would encourage article where women are respected and moving towards a better niche.
Replied on Sunday, June 22, 2008 12:00 AM