I find it extremely reprehensible that there has been no comment on this article. Are India's people so misguided as to feel that commenting on it is a betrayal of their society... Women are our most precious resources and most abused... as a woman matures from childhood to womanhood to old age, she becomes like a fine wine, more precious as she gets older... it is not only in her reproductive years that women are valued, they are valued throughout there lifetimes as a means to soften and strengthen the societies social structures... holding us to a heightened awareness and higher authority... Please get behind your Government and inforce the laws that have been enacted to protect women, and to enact new laws that expand that protection to ALL WOMEN, from Fetal Laws, to Social Laws against Dowry killings, honour killings, Rape, buying and selling of girls into the sex trade, forced marriages, etc... let India become strong again in the world as a leader in Female Rights...
Replied on Sunday, July 13, 2008 12:00 AM