The above news is false to certain extent, the truth is, there was a delay is remiting the fees, but later he tried his level best to remit the fees, he stood hours together near the board to remit the fees, but it was in vain. In suicide note written to governor of karnataka it is mentioned that he tried his level best to get the hall ticket. There is a news that people from department came to school to meet him before his death, spoke for 2-3 hours after which he became restless and looked depressed. ultimately he succeeded in getting the hall ticket. he took this extreme step when he couldnt find any way to get the hall tickets, he even didnt thik of his 5 months old child and sacrificed his life just for the sake of 18 students for their future leaving his wife and child's future in dark.
Replied on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:00 AM