the usage of dukhan for women is not only for sexual purposes but also medicinal as it reduces the chance of infections and is even better than a sauna treatment. women use it to keep their wweight don and their skin silky and it works!! It is a traditional treatment used by all Sudanese women. You should try it yourself someday. Another thing, please stop referring to Sudan as miserable and war-torn .. you've never been here long enough to appreciate what WE have and we don't want much of what YOU have.Our wars will soon be over, yours is just beginning.
Replied on Thursday, May 15, 2008 12:00 AM
where can i try this in the U.S.
Replied on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 12:00 AM
lailalily (Guest)
this article is unprofessional and ignorant!! poorly written..this is an old ignorant tradition, and NOT ALL SUDANESE FEMALES ARE CIRCUMCISED!! tis article is pure trash
Replied on Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:00 AM
The article itself is well written - unquestionably. How far is the practise of Duhan and circucision prevalant among women is a contentious issue and needs to be further probed. I do know some Sudanese women who have had circumcision and who live in the UK.
Replied on Monday, April 13, 2009 12:00 AM