summerwinds54 (Guest)
I believe tobacco as any other natural substance has its place in our world. The problem is that we've become obsessive and compulsive where many things are concerned. Food is killing people. Creature comforts are helping to destroy our values and our inviornment. It is our mis-use of many things that create problems. We must educate ourselves and by means of literature, history and our own amazing instinct. We have become very cluttered with non sense and very good at repeating whatever we've heard, truth or not. We have turned away from our very sources of life. We have disrespected our earth and each other. The air we breath and the water we drink puts us at risk of serious illness or even death. We have taken whole nutricious foods and refined them into poisens to our bodies. We are responsible for taking care of this planet and ourselves and each other. We are failing. My prayer is a divine intervention that will awaken in folks that which has been sleeping for oh too long...Love and Light to All.
Replied on Sunday, November 29, 2009 12:00 AM
Pharma has known this and puts out billions in grant money to influence legislation to tax smokers so much they can't afford the natural product and MUST use their brand of nicotine! Now they want the FDA to regulate natural supplements because they are not profiting from them! Good luck, because they will target this next!
Replied on Friday, March 19, 2010 10:38 PM