 897baxter (Guest)
I believe light blue eyed people are talkative, blondes are informative, light green eyed have a lust for violance, yellow in the eye are compulsive liars, dark brown truly care, a hero needs to care. In sports I believe there are uses for eye colour studies, but I feel the studies are limited by the psychologist inability to self realise, results are based on variable influencing of the observed behaviour, to suit one self.
Replied on Thursday, February 4, 2010 12:00 AM
i was just curious, you stated that people with light green eyes have a lust for violence[a belief of yours] how did you come to that conclusion? wouldnt it all be dependednt upon the persons identity and morals as opposed to just saying 'oh you have light green eyes, you must lust for violence?'
not everyone with light green eyes is that way, individuals all behave differently, you cant lump them together based on eye colour.
but i may have misinterpreted your meaning, could you perhaps explane or elaborate?
Replied on Saturday, July 24, 2010 6:51 PM
 imaperson (Guest)
i have light green eyes and im not violent at all, also have yellow speckles in them and yet again im not a compulsive liar. you should not jump to conclusions like that.
Replied on Monday, January 16, 2012 11:45 PM
 Roxanne1231231 (Guest)
My eyes are weird! Most of the time they're an olive green but then they change into blue or silver. One of my friends notice that all the time. Can anyone tell me what it means?
Replied on Thursday, February 4, 2010 12:00 AM
Well, I can tell you this: my eyes are the rarest of colors - lavender! Everyone envies them! But then, on days when it's rainy, my eyes shimmer an irredescent green, like fairly droplets from Peter Pan's wings...and then when the sun peeks out, my eyes dazzle into aqua-marine blue, like colors of sun-dappled light off a tropical lagoon. All my friends envy them! Their eyes remain brown or blue or green and never change like mine. They think I look like a movie star! Can anybody here tell me why I have the most beautiful eyes anybody has ever seen - anywhere. They're absolutely gorgeous!!!!
Replied on Monday, December 12, 2011 1:15 PM
the article is interesting but really, why leave out a lot about green eyed people? there was next to nothing, i think we should get to know what our eye colour says too.
i also would like to know why our eyes tend to change colour with moods...mine go from bright green to grey to hazel depending on my moods, im curious to find an answer to this[i havent been able to yet]
Replied on Saturday, July 24, 2010 6:43 PM
Note that to get the different colors, there's some blending involved. That means no particular trait associated with an eye color is complete or exclusive. Ut's difficult to research the permutations since this is not an area of research most want to touch for political reasons.
Replied on Monday, September 13, 2010 1:55 PM
While the article raises some issues, it glosses over some eugenics issues that have been controversial for decades. The implications, therefore, perhaps would interfere with an objective view of exactly what the differences are since the researchers would always be accused of racism when publishing results that verify some obvious correlations such as the prevalence of blue-eyed pro quarterbacks.
Replied on Monday, September 13, 2010 9:20 AM
 _Jess_ (Guest)
Very interesting! Just wished there was more info on green eyes...I have light shamrock green eyes, and I noticed depending on my mood they turn and even lighter; what does that mean? Also I'm not really a mischievous person...I actually seem to have the traits of a brown eyed person. Hmm.
Replied on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 2:31 PM