"Adhesion Related Disorder (ARD)"has not been confirmed as a condition that Edith Isabel Rodriguez had, but in my opinion it very well what caused her symptms. ARD is typical of what Edith Isabel Rodriguez experienced - as well as her death surrounded by ignorance and hostility within the medical arena. Others afflicted with ARD have died and are treated the same way Mrs. Rodriguez was.. unfortunately. I invite, and encourage you to please visit this web site: for more information on ARD.
I am hoping that anyone reading my post will take this unfortunate situation and loss of a young mother a step further by acclimating yourselves to a most hideous medical condition that rivals appendectomies, heart bypass surgery and hip replacements in our country, and throughout the world.
Let not that Edith died in vain!
Replied on Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:00 AM