dnatara (Guest)
This is a excellent article which gives a global view on the probles of organ especially kidney trade as well as what will hopefully be done to regulate these things.
It would be very beneficial if an article like this could be circulated everywhere as it really brings awareness to the issue and provokes thought and action.
Replied on Friday, February 9, 2007 12:00 AM
This is a well researched and well written article which needs wider media attention and public concern to create more awareness.
Unless Government intervenes and create strict rules and regulations on organ donation, I beleive these kind of exploitation will be a continuous process.
Replied on Sunday, February 11, 2007 12:00 AM
Blood and gametes are renewable source of tissues and truly not organs. Hence on donation there are no risks involved. Eye also is a tissue, however kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas are solid organs and not renewble. Live kidney or liver donation does have some risks. Hence ther eis no comparision between the two type of f donations. It has been seen that when the organ donation is due to altruistic motive - the quality of life is much superior, whereas when money or commerce is involved the quality of life is poor afterwards and there is a feeling of loss of health. This has been shown by many studies.
Replied on Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:00 AM
Man donating blood for those in need has been in existence for a long time now.Similarly,men & women donating their gametes for those desparate,chlidless couples,& women lending their wombs for some such women are all common occurence now.Barring eye donation, most of those mentioned above are not entirely altruistic.But it is kidney donation that receives wide media attention because of some corrupt trends & practices. the ever widening divide between the "haves" & "have nots" & the existence of unscrupulous middle men who cash in on the despair of both donor & recipient & exploit both has lead to this pathetic state.It would take legalisation of cadaver organ donation(like in some western countries)and long term, sustainable economic rehabilitaion of the poor to reduce the "trade". As rightly pointed out in the article,education of the potential donors is a must,otherwise they will be lured to make a fast buck.
Replied on Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:00 AM
Organ Donation saves many lives
Replied on Saturday, March 17, 2007 12:00 AM