A matter of great shame. The polce always seem to overdo in India. They are as merciless as the Britishers who caned our Satyagrahis. well written report from medindia
Replied on Monday, May 15, 2006 12:00 AM
It is ridiculous to equate medical students with rioters but that is what the police seem to have done. I think it is time all doctors took a stand on this issue
Replied on Monday, May 15, 2006 12:00 AM
India is all for Indians, it is about time our educational institutions represent the social fabric of the country. A few castes have been having it good for too long, hogging all the seats for themselves. The time has come for a change...If FCs don't want to share this country's resources with everyone, let them go to hell.
Replied on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 12:00 AM
Merit is an alien concept to bharatiya culture. It was imported from the west and it probably makes sense in a homogenous society. But India is not and some people are disadvantaged due to two thousand years of caste based oppression. It takes time for the dormant genes to get back to full form and only reservations can make them happen. We are already seeing second generation of reservation beneficiaries giving these so called 'meritorious' FCs a run for their money...
Replied on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 12:00 AM