this article is about an 8 year old girl who went to the hospital because of a severe stomache ache but in the long run it ended up being meningitis and she died the following day because the doctors diagnosed her too late. even with the rashes that little girl had the doctors never thaught of it.I believe it is the doctors fault of the girls death because they could of ran a bunch of tests and found out what it was, because if it was her appendix she could of died too, if they didnt make a change and fast but taking it out. the article states "the doctors wer careless" but in my theory if the docotors care n show that they care then maybe the little girl may would of lived.
if i was the parent of the young 8 year old girl i would of thought the same way, its the doctors fault but if your were in the parents situation would you of blamed it all on the doctors at the hospital for the deat of your young child?
Replied on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:00 AM
I believe it is the doctors fault of the girls death because they could of ran a bunch of tests and found out what it was, because if it was her appendix she could of died too, if they didnt make a change and fast but taking it out.
Replied on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:00 AM