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Cure for sleepless nights

Chronic insomniacs would fare better if they kept the bed for sleep and sex rather than popping sedatives, according to research. A Canadian study found that taking sleeping pills worked in the...Read More

Posted on : Thursday, December 20, 2001 12:00 AM
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this article is about people with sleeping problems shouldnt do anything else in there bed other than sleep and sex because your body then gets used to be doing homework, reading, eating or playing video games/watching television. therefore when its late and you do want to get some sleep you cant fall asleep because your body thinks its going to do homework, eat, read or play videogames/watch television ect. or taking pills to fall asleep when all u have to do is stay out of your bed when ur doing anything other then sleeping.

even in like yoga they say you will have more stamia if you only sleep in your bed in your opinion if you tried to only sleep in your bed do you think you would get better and more sleep then you would while taking pills and doing other things in bed?
Replied on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:00 AM

this article is about people with sleeping problems shouldnt do anything else in there bed other than sleep and sex because your body then gets used to be doing homework, reading, eating or playing video games/watching television. therefore when its late and you do want to get some sleep you cant fall asleep because your body thinks its going to do homework, eat, read or play videogames/watch television ect. or taking pills to fall asleep when all u have to do is stay out of your bed when ur doing anything other then sleeping.
Replied on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:00 AM

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