This is more of the customary marketing hype, presented as science, by corporate medicine.
It had long been demonstrated that exposure to medical x-rays, which would include digital mammography, is a top proven cause of heart disease [read Dr. John Gofman's work].
But Gofman's solid research data had been either quickly dismissed without real evidence to the contrary or it has been mostly ignored to this day by the conventional medical business as it threatens their huge business profits. When solid research data invalidates their lucrative interventions they ignore or swiftly dismiss it with bogus arguments, when sketchy unverified or misleading research data supports their lucrative interventions they're quick to announce to the world and claim it has validity.
Over the last couple of years the huge medical business has been promoting the alleged value of their new highly lucrative screening technology, 3D mammography, but it's almost all advertising claims made by this corrupt business based on industry-crafted "studies."
Contrary to the official narrative (which is based on medical business-fabricated pro-mammogram "scientific" data), there is marginal, if any, reliable evidence that mammography, including 3D mammography, reduces mortality from breast cancer in a significant way in any age bracket but a lot of solid evidence shows the procedure does provide more serious harm than serious benefit (read: Peter Gotzsche's 'Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy' and Rolf Hefti's 'The Mammogram Myth').
IF........ women (and men) at large were to examine the mammogram data above and beyond the information of the mammogram business cartel (eg American Cancer Society, Komen, orthodox medicine), they'd also find that it is almost exclusively the big profiteers of the test, ie. the "experts," (eg radiologists, oncologists, medical trade associations, breast cancer "charities" etc) who promote the mass use of the test and that most pro-mammogram "research" is conducted by people with massive vested interests tied to the mammogram industry.
Since more and more people have recognized what a racket mammography is, the medical business is eager to find new ways to "prove" just how valuable mammograms really are. They do the same trick routinely with their pharma drugs once the patents run out to keep the cash cow running....
Replied on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 7:47 PM