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HIV Protection Offered by Circumcision Down to Alteration of Penis Microbiome

One of the reasons why circumcision provides some protection against HIV and other viral infection could be because it alters the microbiome of the penis, a new study reveals. ...Read More

Posted on : Saturday, April 20, 2013 11:38 AM
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Don't even try to lie to me. How about washing your penis? Same effect as mentioned above. Circumcision is a barbaric crime committed to defenceless babies, forever making sex painful and less pleasurable for them, all to the advantage of the women in the world. The reason behind this is that mothers rather mutilate their baby boys to let women rule sex, the one thing they haven't taken over in the world as yet, than to protect them. Don't be fooled my friends, washing your penis has a much better effect than mentioned above. Women are pushing this study forward to condone the barbaric act. I challenge the credibility of this study. Well if we look at it the way this study puts it, maybe Female Circumcision can reduce the risk of transmitting AIDS also. Damn women and their double standards...
Replied on Saturday, April 20, 2013 11:38 AM

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