Help! My daughter was overdosed on steroids at 4yrs old. With in 6months, she was obese. She is now 12yrs and 180lbs at 5'5. She eats healthier than most children, drinks water 90% of time, and plays sports like volley ball, basket .ball. For the past .three .weeks, 3times a week, she ran with the running club. She'd run a mile or warm up, then had 10 mins of sprints with short rests in between, then 15 mins devoted to situps, push ups, other excercise and stretches... She gained ten pounds in those three weeks! She gains weight so easily!!! I am aso stressed about her health. I am 5'8 140lbs, 20% body fat. I cook at home, vegtebles and fruit are main part of our diet with lean meat and light dairy. I RARELY by junk food, and pop is in our house once or twice a year. How do I reverse what the strroids did to her body? What system did they affect to cause this problem?
Replied on Sunday, November 4, 2012 9:09 PM