cynthia48 (Guest)
my husband detached his left eye retina while on vacation. he was seeh 1 week later and confirmed a complete retinal detachment. was schedule for a pars plana vitrectomyon the 10th day but was cancelled due to a stye that developed on that eye.was put on doxycycline bid and erythromycin oint 3x a day and bedtime.5 days paseed and suregery was finaly done yesterday.surgeon was very pleased and very optimistic about the eye. the macula was involved dont know if it is on and off macula detachement as well.what are the chances of vision recovery in this particular situation.he is on prone sitting position right now possibly a week he said.today he lasered the remainder fluid left over by the macula and still very pleased about the outcome of surgery.can you give me percentage of vision recovery. my hussband has noexisting med. problem. he had bilateral cataract extractions last year wwww/ a unifocal lens implant. thank you
Replied on Saturday, December 10, 2011 12:04 AM
manoj.11 (Guest)
My father is having the retina detachment in both the eyes. First right side eye was operated about 15 years with unsuccessful operation and treatment. Please let me know if there are any further development in retina detachment case? if so please let me know the address and other details.So i can for other eye.
Replied on Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:54 AM
10 year old girl had a detached retina stuck back 3 months ago, the operation was said to be a success, 3 months on she has only 5% vision in the eye, the detached retina may have happened some time prior to the operation, can anything be done to improve this situation ? The operation was performed in Nice France, is there some place in the world that has advanced procedures in this field ?
Replied on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 4:53 AM