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Vedic vibration technology- the new cure for arthritis

One of the primary disabling ailments in the world has found a new treatment - Vedic vibration technology....Read More

Posted on : Saturday, November 19, 2011 1:10 PM
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I've done the VVT 3 times many years ago and today I am just about pain free and can move my joints well. I had a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis and did VVT on my shoulders, elbows, hands, and hips the first time. I got about 60% relief within the first week. Within 3-6 months the inflammatory sessions were less often and/or shorter. My hands got a little better but I went back a year later to do my hands again because the joints were so swollen and getting gnarly. The second time on my hands - magical! Within a year, my hands went back to normal. I still occasionally get a teeny bit of stiffness in my fingers but no hot inlammatory pains. A year later my feet got so bad that I had trouble walking; it was horrible. I did the VVT on my feet and I did not see any results until the end of the 3rd month. My feet went back to normal and have been ever since. My first VVT treatment was 11 years ago and it was the blessing of all blessings that I tried this alternative treatment. I have never been on medications. I only take vitamins and supplements to continue to stay healthy; to keep my joints healthy.
Replied on Saturday, November 19, 2011 1:10 PM

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