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Oz Church Opposing Ban on Corporal Punishment Says Smacking Kids is Ok

It has emerged that a church in Australia has backed the right of parents to smack their children, as it opposes a push towards a ban on corporal punishment. � \��ۙ��\؞]\�X[��\��\�H�X\�]\�[����[�H��Y...Read More

Posted on : Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:46 AM
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I'll never understand these churches supporting smacking, spanking, paddling, whipping, caning children. The misinterpretation of the bible's famous misquote "spare the rod, spoil the child" has done so many children wrong by their parents and by some educators still allowed to hit. Despite nearly all of the research and mounting evidence of the negative consequences of hitting children, these narrow minded people simply don't get it! If you can't raise your children without hitting, turn in your parenting licenses! If you can't educate and teach your students without fear and intimidation and hitting, then find another line of work, you don't belong in education! I've worked with abused children and at risk teens for over 30 years, and from all the experiences I have found, it rarely turns a child around. In fact, it all too often leads to children growing up in a world of violence. There are MANY MANY methods of disciplining children without hitting. The word "discipline" means two little words: TO TEACH! Not hit, not smack, spank, paddle, cane. TO TEACH. The leaders of this church should be ASHAMED! SHAME ON YOU ALL, for supporting the "rights" you think parents SHOULD have to smack a child. Nice work, church. God is watching, judgment day, you will be judged. Matthew, Jesus says may any harm come to my children, may a stone be put around your neck and ye be cast into the depths of the ocean. ARE YOU LISTENING, CHURCHES?
Replied on Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:46 AM

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