ThirtySomething (Guest)
Younger workers are inexperienced and lack the ability to think on their feet since there is no stored data in their brains to swiftly determine outcomes.
Older does not MEAN slow and inept. In most cases OLDER means excited about every day, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound due to he vast exposure and level of experience as well as the ability to determine "Best Practice" without several wasteful meetings.
I have hired the "younger worker" who is lazy and feels the world owes them something because they were born. Just as this article indicates........The world owes them a job and the older worker needs to take a hike so they can have their job.
What a sorry bunch of whiners............. Invent something, start a web company, buy a franchise.........get a a life and not my life.
Replied on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 6:43 AM