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Diabetes - Essentials

Diabetes 'essentials' refer to the comprehensive health check-up and treatment paraphernalia a diabetic person can use by himself in order to maintain health and lead an active life. Diabetes essentials include blood glucose meters, insulin injections, ketone strips, correct footwear, healthy snacks and log books.

Join this online group on diabetes essentials to get news about diabetes ‘essentials’ present or appearing in the market – from other diabetic people and doctors and researchers concerned with diabetes.


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Diabetes Lowers Protective Effects of HDL

The levels of high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, the so-called "good" cholesterol are reduced in diabetes and may not confer heart-protective effects. However diabetic patients may be benefited by taking niacin, a drug that raises HDL levels, ...Read More

Posted on : Wednesday, December 23, 2009 12:00 AM
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Thx for your excellent article on diabetes and HDL. Very informative. Finding a cure through medication would be helpful, but as you know, a lot could be done by all of us thru proper diet and exercise. Self discipline however can be tough. But if circumstances exist whereby medication is needed, I wanted to possible help some people out there by letting them know about a site that few people know about, but can help greatly in paying less for all their medications, diabetes included. I have known at least 10 people it has helped, some diabetic, some with other prescriptions they get, and hopefully this will help get the word out. the "catch" is that they want you in their store hoping you will impulse shop and pick up other items while you are there. One of the oldest marketing ploys in the world, but if you can just use the card....enjoy the savings, and don't buy anything else you don't truly need, you will beat the system. There also is a short 1 minute video to explain how it works. It is a good program that saves you money so I hope u take advantage of it. Take care and hopefully great health will be a reality for all of us one day.

Replied on Thursday, December 24, 2009 12:00 AM

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