This is my first time here so hello to every1 and thanks for this rich informative site.
I've been having a serious problem in the last years and I hope someone in here can help me.
I get the urge to go to the toilet, so i go running, but all I find is a couple of thin small feces. after about 5 or 10 mns i have again the same feeling, and again do the same or near amount. I end up going maybe 6 or 7 times a day to the toilet.
I always feel bloated, stomach discomfort that goes up to my neck. I always feel disturbed around my neck like there's something stuck there, but no acidity.
The other real mess are the aphtous ulcers, I get PLENTY of'em. My mouth is rarely canker sores free, sometimes unbearable pain. I know the source of those is unconfirmed yet, but sometimes i get 2 or 3 together and as soon as they disappear another one appears.
I sometimes get water filled small water filled vesicles (if i'm using the right word) in my feet or hands. sometimes they itch until i clack the fluid out. (this is no big deal for me but i am mentioning everything in case they link together)
My brother and another doctor gave me lots of tests (my brother is a doctor by the way), when i had a couple of worrying large canker sores, in search for any disease but all were negative:
HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Blood tests, Bowel tests, endo/colonoscopy (which gave negative for Crohn or Behcet, and no ulcers. It only said this "Ileon terminal *erythimateux* (that's how i read it) mais non ulcéré".
Oseo-gastro duodenoscopie said in conclusion: Gastritis, no oeso-gastric ulceration.
I am translating sometimes so hope i am clear enough.
I will appreciate any help from someone who knows can help, cause I had enough of doctors telling me that i'm fine when i know i'm not, i don't feel fine. Please reply and thanks in advance,