worriedgrama (Guest)
Hi, i have a 19 month old grandson and he appears to be totally normal, says a few words, makes eye contact, waves and says bye and hi, blows kisses,but has a lot of symptoms of an autistic child. He stacks cans 5-6 high, grinds his teeth occasional, is totally interested in lights and fans, drug himself before he crawled.almost as if he was going to walk before he crawled, but we worked with him and he did crawl. I am worried, my daughter gets mad at me for even thinking it, is it possible he can be so normal and be autistic? I know the sooner we find out the better. Please help me i need someone to talk to about this, I am going crazy over it 24 hours a day, need to know!
Replied on Sunday, December 28, 2008 12:00 AM