Simple solutions like an alarm in the night to wake up the child and making them pass urine, diminishing amount of fluids in the evening and passing urine before going to the bed can help the problem.
Replied on Sunday, May 28, 2006 12:00 AM
nmartin@shazaaam (Guest)
We have worked with and cured thousands of children and infused their parents with hope at the Enuresis Treatment Center in Farmington, MI. Besides being a deep sleep disorder, research shows that bedwetting is also genetic. If both parents have a history of bedwetting there is a 77% chance the child will also wet the bed. The average length of treatment is 6 months, and we are certain we can correct the sleep disorder and end bedwetting. Go to www.freebedwettingguide.com for more info.
Replied on Friday, July 6, 2007 12:00 AM