My father living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer with bone metastasis in January2008. At his age of 70 Hormone therapy and radiation therapy was used for a year and half. His PSA is continuously rising for the last 8/9 months.Now he cannot walk or getup from bed. We looking out for alternate treatment for him. Abirateron can give him and the whole family hope. Is it possible for him to join and attend a clinical trial with abirateron in Dhaka? His doctor here can treat him with abirateron and get result?
Looking forward to your reply,
Replied on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:06 AM
I am a 66 year old man and have Prostate Cancer. I need to get in touch with Dr. Johann De Bono, who has discovered a new drug called Abiraterone.
Replied on Monday, May 3, 2010 2:56 AM
 peterv (Guest)
I have been battling prostate cancer for the past seven years. I have had all the usual treatments like hormone and radiation but it has proved to no avail.Since I have been accepted into a trial in January 2010, my PSA has halved, and three major tumors have begun to shrink. The sooner this drug is made available worldwide more lives will be saved
Replied on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:37 PM
 cfuentes (Guest)
I would like to get Abiraterone for my father. Has somebody heard anything about when are they going to make it public? My father and many people are running out of time and we need this medicine ASAP. Meanwhile I found this petition on internet. Please sing it and spread the word. Maybe they can speed up the process of approving it. Please let us know if anyone has additional information about Abiraterone approval.
http://gopetition.com/petitions/ abiraterone-acetate-for-stage-iv -prostate-cancer/sign.html
Replied on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 8:47 AM
 susan_ind (Guest)
My father and I living in Indonesia, He have prostate cancer, and need Abiraterone immediately. Let me know when and where available ? I would be happy if i can see my father in good condition.
Much appreciated for your prompt reply
Replied on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 4:14 AM