my name is enowagbor valery njieassam , i am from cameroon i've been suffring from elephantiasis for 22years can you help me give some treatments or permit travel to your hospital.
Replied on Friday, April 3, 2009 12:00 AM
my mother 60 yeras, is suffering from filariasis, since more than 25 years. her one leg is swelling below knee since last few years fluctuating with seasons and walking etc. we are getting treatment with DEC and other tabs from physicians. but now it seems not responding. we have tried many other ayurvedic preparations as well. I am desparate to look for any hospital or care center to get compltete treatment
Replied on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:00 AM
 manish786 (Guest)
My father is suffering from Filaria from last 6 years. Please suggest to me where I should take him for proper treatment
Replied on Sunday, April 4, 2010 1:07 AM
 parvez611 (Guest)
Dear sir,
I am from hyderabad.A.P India.I am 39yrs old and I am suffering from fileriasis from last 4yrs,but from last 2yrs I my left leg ankle has started swolling, Dr said u r just started into elphantiasis, please help me to get rid of this, I would like to come to ur hospital in kerla,And I am ready to pay for the treatment, please forward ur contact and ur hospital details to my mail. my mail I.D-parvez6112003@yahoo.co.in
Replied on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:38 AM
Dear All
My mom is 58 years old and she has been carrying fileriasis from last ten years, and she is struggling with pain and frequent fever. Her swelling at right leg has been increased with redness at skin.
Pls help to pass the info, if someone find a cure or controlled releif.
Replied on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:08 AM