 chideria (Guest)
hi, please do not mind my english.i had the liver alcohol for 2years.i drink alot of alcohol before untill,i had a fever and liver pains the doctor said i should chack my liver which is called l.f.t .so after the test the doctor discover all is not will.is abnormal for all{ALT} {AST} {GGT }{ALP} {ALB}it means my liver is not working will.i had a treatment in china for 2years nothing ,even the doctor is tired of me so i stop going there ,i think i will die ,because i send 4320usd for 2year i don't have money to spend any more.i start pray to god to save me.i stop taking alcohol for long,decide to stop eating oil food,fats,egg,bread,fride food and i stop eating fresh food such like fish,meats e.t.c i worriy so much even my stomach is pain me but i hope one day god will hear me .i start cooking my own food without oil,i useing dry things like dry fish ,fresh vegetables,onions,carrots,with maggi, creyfish,white rice,everyday one type of food and i drinking alot of water each 30mins,,i eat alot of fruits like apples,mango,popo,grape e.t.c i don't takeing oranges because i had a stomach pains.i drinking[ vitamin B complx ]and folic acid ]i giving my self alot of rest to help my liver to be strong.i stop to eat too much ,i eat alittle even if i hungry i eat alittle for 3months,believe me i want to test yesterday after my test the result is normal,i don't believe it, i want to another test is normal .my stomach is not paining me again i feeling good now for one week .the liver can healing by it self,i said to myself in is life again i will never drink alcohol even to make a friend that takes it never,care your health my friend i can help you to tell thanks
Replied on Friday, February 3, 2012 2:59 AM
 rayski (Guest)
Hello I read your comments on your health problem. I am going through the same thing with a friend here in California, I can't comment on your stage of health but my friends only got 2 or 3 weeks left. The Dr says the liver does not heal it self. His stomach has to be drained every 2 day's He is now turning very yellow. I wish you the best and may God help you back to total health.
Replied on Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:33 PM
im 29 years old with advanced liver disease due to alcohol..i do not drink daily maybe my body just dont have the ability to eliminate it. im from a country that liver transplant is so expensive i don't have the money to buy medications so im not taking any,im still working even its very hard for me. i work in a ship as a seaman. what disappointing me is every year i have 2 medical check up but all of my results are ok they don't have any idea that i have this disease until last year according to my x ray and ct scan my liver is swollen so i stop drinking immediately. i dont know what to do now if i found out earlier i should have stop drinking earlier its to late for me now.i think my kidneys are failing the only symptoms i have is itching and tingling in my feet forgetfulness and confusion,slurred speech sometimes..you are lucky people your government supported you in this horrid disease..the only thing i can do now is to make my suffering short you know what i mean..every night im looking to the stars that maybe some little help falling from above and that i think its not gonna happen.. is there somebody can give me advice on this ****..coz i really dont know what to do.
Replied on Monday, May 20, 2013 7:23 AM
Informative and gratifying article. I think the ratio of Liver problem increasing rapidly in youngster due to alcohol.
Wade Asset Management Group
Replied on Friday, August 16, 2013 11:39 AM
Alcoholism is dangerous and it not only harms the liver, it can also lead to various other physical and mental problems. Too much of anything is bad....
Replied on Monday, August 26, 2013 2:15 PM