maryCals58 (Guest)
I developed Severe dry mouth after my radiation was completed, I tried pretty much ALL the known products out there, and NONE of them worked. I searched online and found AQUORAL ARTIFICIAL SALIVA from a U.S Company called Bi-Coastal Pharm Corp. they have a website at Well after getting my doctor to write a script for me, and after using this product for a day and a half i started to see immediate releif. Best part is, there are no side effects, tastes like a citrus flavor, and comes in a little pump spray bottle that is a month's supply. This stuff really works and helped me. I called the company and they told me they re-launched this product about a year ago and are trying to make more people aware of it. You can get it from any Doctor as the company said it is distributed nationally, jstu have to make your Doc search for it in there systems as they may not have heard of it.