Answered by : PreetiKakkar
on Sat, 16 Jan 2010
Dear Sivakumar,
Your ideal weight according to your height and age should be 65-68. Your total calorie intake should be 2400 minus 400-500 calories coz of sedentary lifestyle. Personally i dont believe in calorie count as it depends on lots of factors like BMR(Basal metabolic rate), level of activity etc. I give more importance to the food source from where it is coming rather than the quantity. One should have more of those foods that fill you up e.g fruits, veggies, whole wheat cereals ,soups and salads. To reduce your fat intake you can replace full cream milk with skimmed milk.Have stuffed veg chappati or milk with cereals like dalia/oats/wheatflakes and fruits. Cut down on saturated fats i.e ghee,butter etc. Have healthy oils like sunflower, rice bran,olive oil etc. Try to have an early and a light dinner. And last but not the least have lots of water especially helpful for kidney stones.