Answered by : PreetiKakkar
on Mon, 01 Feb 2010
You must be aware that pimples are caused due to excess of oil in the face blocking the pores, so to reduce
the oiliness you could adopt the following measures:
1.Wash your face with a medicated soap at least twice a day.
2.At the end of the day ensure that your face is free of all make up,use a good cleanser to clean the face.
3.Consume a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid all oily food items.
4.For local application you can use ointments containing retinoic acid like retino-A, if pimples are very troublesome than oral retinoids are helpful.
5.Dandruff could also cause pimples so take repeated hair washes to remove the dandruff.
If pimples still persist or if they are scaring your face then you will have to consult a dermatologist