I had the problem of urine for some time. according to med report I have moderately enlarged prostrate; bladder outlet obstruction etc. This is from very recent report conducted in connection with inguinal hernia surgery about a month ago. The problem of urine was though already there. Recently the frequency of urination increased but it was very urgent so much so that I dropped some in my way to washroom. I went to a local doctor who advised some test. I produce the test results that are beyond the permissible limits:
Result Normal range
protein + Negative
WBC 10-20 0-5/HPF
Leucocyte ++ Negative
Blood ++ Negative
WBC 10-20 0-5/HPF
Bacteria +++ Negative
i am presently taking Cefuroxime 500 mg (1+1).Doctor also gave me "perazosin hydro choloride" tablet once in evening. He did not give much attention to Laboratory report results as I saw from his gesture. I am however yet waiting for PSA Report. I want to share this and advice from some one facing similar problem and from a Doctor.