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Phimosis / Tight Foreskin

A condition that has embarrassed several men and often goes without the adequate medical attention it requires, phimosis or ‘tight foreskin’ refers to the inability to retract the prepuce (foreskin) of the penis over the shaft due to a narrow opening.

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suffering with skin attached to the bottom of the glans


I think i'm suffering from phimosis, my foreskin is tight and does not retract automaticaly during masturbation.

I can retract myself over the glans, but with tight move.

My penis size is 5 inches long when erect. after retract my foreskin over the glans, skin will folded around the glans.

I cannot retract completely. A small portion of my foreskin is attached to the bottom part of my 'glans'. If i retract forcefully it is paining because of small portion of my foreskin is attached to the bottom part of my 'glans'.
Is there any treatment to cut that attached foreskin from bottom of glans without pain. i heared that threading is one treatment to cut that attached skin from glans. will that treatment hurt...

And also My penis size is 5 inches long when erect. If i seperate that attached skin from glans i will have some skin still to retract. Because of this will my penis size will increase to 6 to 6.5 inches.
Please give me some tips on how to get the head to retract automatically,

Thank you

Posted on : Monday, January 25, 2010 5:12 PM
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U possibly need a circumcision, go and see a Urologist or a general surgeon. The attached foreskin is called frenulum and this is normal - may need a little cut at the time of circum. Your penis size is fine don't worry about it.
Replied on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 4:59 AM
I am worried because when I retract some length of skin manually it gets folded behind glands. However if I cut the attached hymen from glands there will still be some skin. Will they cut that skin also or will the doctor cut only the hymen.

I heard from some people that it will get cut when I have sex for the first time and it will hurt.

please reply
Replied on Monday, February 8, 2010 12:57 AM

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