Ayurveda views Osteoarthritis as a clinical condition which requires replenishment of lubrication around the affected joints, achievable through the process of bṛṁhaṇa (satiation). The Āyurveda treatment involves internal medications and external therapies, which are patient-specific and guided by the stage of the disease. The patient's response to treatment is determined by the duration and degree of the manifested disease, as well as their age and the cause of the condition. For example, Osteoarthritis of a degenerative cause and of recent onset can be reversed using specific medications and exercises, while patients with later-stage chronic symptoms will, at a minimum, see greatly reduced pain and an increased range of movement. At all stages, the progression of the degeneration can be arrested using Ayurveda.Read the treatment procedure http://ayurvaid.com/osteoarthritis-ayurvaid-approach
Replied on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 11:48 PM