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The cost of health care can bankrupt you, and everybody should have health insurance. For the price of a small premium, you can rest assured that should you have a sickness or injury that needs a doctor’s attention, the insurance company will pay for you and you need not worry about costs.

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The costs and requirements of US Government Health Care for the poor

I think that there should be proposals to cover the costs for requirement of Government Health Care for the poor and indigent. I am terrified that these requirements should become the Law of the Land, otherwise none of the poor will be safe if they enter a hospital for a medical procedure. This is the most scarce proposal. It is that any and all body parts removed from any patient be saved and reserved for their use. This mandatory proposal, would force the ill and infirm to eat their own body parts, as a means of saving money on food, which they can ill afford. I believe this proposal is both barbaric and cannibalistic. I can appreciate the idea of: "waste not want not", but I can not image a poor woman having to eat her own breasts after a mastectomy, or a poor person with diabetes having a leg removed and being forced to eat the leg, to save money on food. I do appreciate the willingness of the Government to provide taste recipes, free of charge, from well known celebrity chefs, to aid in the preparation for the poor. I can appreciate the opportunity to supplement the diet of the poor with inexpensive protein, but surely there must be better ways for the Government to assist the poor. Possibly, the use of unwanted animals from the city pounds, as supplemental protein or pidgeons squirrels and rodents in cities and parks through out the country, could be good sources of the desired and needed protein. I think that the Government has lost site of the fundamental American right to the freedom of choice, which in this case includes the freedom of not having to eat one's self, no matter how poor or indigent one may be.

Posted on : Friday, August 21, 2009 9:07 PM
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America is supposed to be the land of the individuals; the place where people can strive for their best self-interest
Replied on Friday, September 11, 2009 1:58 AM
NMHA policy position statements: The National Mental Health Association (NMHA) has released four renewed policy position statements to guide its national network of affiliates in promoting informed policies. The statement on psychiatric advance directives outlines their benefits and offers recommendations to state governments and community stakeholders for developing legislation and programs. The statement on mental health parity in health insurance presents the case for comprehensive parity legislation along with a history and supporting research. The statement on standards for management of and access to consumer information recommends consumer protection standards for managed care and government programs, health care providers, and insurance companies. The statement on the federal role in children's mental health services lays out the disparities in care that put children and families at risk of mental health problems and outlines strategies for increasing federal interagency collaboration, educating the public, and promoting prevention and early intervention services. The full statements are on the NMHA Web site at www.nmha.org.
Replied on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 1:46 AM

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