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Ectopic Pregnancy

The word "ectopic" means "out of place". An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy where the fetus, instead of growing in the uterine cavity, occurs in a number of unusual locations, such as the fallopian tubes.

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Time to heal

Hello, I am so happy to have found this group. It has been a little hard finding the right information regarding ectopic pregnancys, My hospital gave me a brochure on miscarriages some how i think the two are slightly different! I hope that by sharing my story I can help others and my self to understand and get through this difficult time a little easier. I am 28years old and have just had my right tube removed due to an ectopic pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant and was over joyed, I was about 6-8 weeks and I started to get a light brownish coloured discharge, this alarmed me enough to have an ultra-sound. They found my baby in my right tube, but due to the size and absence of a heart beat. I was eligible for a methotrexate injection, exactly two weeks after the injection I woke in severe pain and was rushed to the hospital. Just knowing that there was a lot of pain and show of a slight bleed in the ultra sound they decided to operate. Going through my belly button firstly, they found I had alot of old blood around my tube and decided to take the tube. They then opened my up on my tummy, like the same as a C-section surgery, while assessing the tube they turned it over to see were the bleed was coming from, once they turned the tube over I started to bleed fast and lost 1.5 litres of blood. They took the tube, and my supposed half hour surgery took 3.5hrs. I had to get a blood transfusion. They believe that the methotrexate started to work and as everything started to break down the baby moved in the tube tearing it as it fell. My first week spent in hospital I was in allot of pain. last week I had my stiches taken out. And was still very bruised and this week on Tuesday it will be two weeks post op, and my tummy between my belly button and my scar is still swollen and feels bruised. and If I am up out of bed too much I get twitching on and off pains through out my belly and were my ovary’s would be, and on and off on my right side as well. I am assuming this is all part of the body healing its self, but is still so scary!!! I am still sleepy alot and I have also started to get quiet anxious and had a panic attack when I was left at home by my self. I think I am still very scared and the reality of how close I came to potentially loosing my life is setting in. How do I overcome this panic? I feel so lost and was wondering if anyone else also started to experience anxiety as a result of this dreadful loss and procedure? I just wish I knew what was normal and to expect. This was my first pregnancy and it took me 8months to conceive. So as well as trying to overcome the grief I am trying to heal physically, so every little pain and twitch I am worrying my self silly how did you over come the shock and grief? I have been writing alot and trying to stay as positive as possible, half of me just wants all of this healing to hurry up so I can start trying for a baby again :D

Posted on : Monday, April 9, 2012 2:48 AM
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Hello, I am going through a second ectopic now. I had just learned I was pregnant on March 26. I had been spotting the entire week previously. I had no pain and thought my period was coming. I'm not sure what made me take a home pregnancy test, but I did and it was positive. My hubby was so excited! He is a awesome dad. He has a 4 yr old from his previous marriage and I have a 13 yr old from mine. Then on sunday April 1, i started bleeding pretty heavy, I had my first doc appt scheduled for the 5th. I went to the ER and was told i was having a threatened miscarriage, to go home and see my ob/gyn the next morning. They did blood work a prlvic exam and a ultrasound. The baby was in my right tube. This is the second one in my right tube so we made the decision to remove the entire tube. I truly thought that this would be a normal pregnancy, I didn't have pain. I have no words to say that will make you feel better. Just that my thoughts are with you and that you are not alone
Replied on Monday, April 9, 2012 6:36 AM
Thank you for your reply and sharing your story with me, and I am so sorry for your loss. It really is such a horrific thing to go through isn't it? How are you going healing from surgery? I saw my doctor today and was reassured that the pains I was getting around the wound were all apart of the healing process. Which makes me feel better but it's still scary!! My scar has gone a little hard under the skin like scar tissue and I keep getting twinges and stabbing pains and the skin is so tight! It's been two weeks tommorow and I still get so sleepy. Have you been sleeping through the night yet? I just want to hurry up and heal. My thoughts are with you and your family. I have also been so lucky to have so much support from my husband he has been brilliant although he is also hurting from the loss he has been so strong for me. So even though we are going through something so tragic we are still lucky at the same time!
Replied on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 12:09 AM
My hubby has been my rock.. I know he is hurting just as much as I am. He is an amazing man and a wonderful daddy. I am sleeping about 4-5 hours a night. I have to return to work today because I'm out of paid time off..I'm a little nervous about it,but my inscions are healing nicely and they know I need to take it easy. I am having some of the twinging pains but i am only 1 week post-op. Have you been talking of trying again?
Replied on Thursday, April 12, 2012 8:46 AM
That is great to hear you are healing well :) my sleep varies as well, just take it easy at work and make sure if you dont feel right to rest. Is your job physical or do you get to sit mostly? I also am going back to work this Monday coming. We were due to holiday in Thailand in 6 weeks but I cancelled the holiday. I feel like staying close to home will be nice. we will still take a break maybe a road trip to the country or the sea side would be a good Idea. I just think that although I am healing well I still dont want to push myself as it is a massive opperation. I have a funny little tummy at the moment I look like ET :) I cant wait to be able to go for walks and exersize again! you sound very blessed and its so nice to have the added support of your husband it must make you feel strong and empowered through all of this. Maybe you should take a weekend to spend some time together to help the emotional healing as well :) I cant wait to try again, I just want to hurry up and heal! My doctor said to wait two cycles before trying. I think that what ever happens its beyond my control any way so I may as well try the best I can, I can not wait to be a mummy and know in my heart it is ment to be. Although this expierience has effected me greatly I have also taken so much from it. I have made new friends I have a strengthened relationship with my husband. And I have become far more aware of what I want to achieve in life. oh and
I have read alot of good books too ;) I am not afraid of trying, I know that I will eventually end up with a happy & Healthy Baby!
Replied on Friday, April 13, 2012 12:16 AM
I had an ectopic just 3 months ago. I still cry and get angry frequently. I desperately want to try again, but I don't know if I am capable of getting through another ectopic. I want to be a mom more than anything though so I guess I just have to try and hope. How do you put the fear aside to try again?
Replied on Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:59 PM

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