I know it is such a difficult thing to go through, but you must know there is hope!Alot of women concieve healthy and happy babies after Ectopics. In my family my Grandmother, My Mother, My Aunt and My self all have had Ectopics. The doctors believe it may have to do with having a genitically smaller tube than normal. My Grandmother had 5 children after having her tube removed my aunty had 3 after hers and My Mum had one more after hers. I have just had my tube removed, its a big surgery and recovery but remember to be brave and be thankfull that they found it in time! in time I am sure you will be ready to try again you just need time to heal. My doctor told me in some cases women with tube defects have a higher chance of concieving once the defected tube is removed. So you never know! stay positive and be brave and you will make it through and these days we are lucky for the technology and support we have access to when it comes to ectopics! good luck xx
Replied on Monday, April 9, 2012 2:35 AM
Hi, I understand how you feel completly. I had 2 etopic pregnancys in 2 years and also understand what you are going through. Firstly you have to be strong, you were able to concieve and have to hold on to this, some people are not that fortunate. Secondly after some time you can try again and hopefully it will be sucessfull. I was pregnant 2 years ago and it was first time, I had no idea or had heard of an etopic and was also shocked, 1 year later I tried again and got pregnant almost immediatley but again at another etopic. To say it has tested me is an understatment, but with support you will get through this. I am going to try again and am praying I have a normal pregnancy but at the same time in my heart I am prepared but know some times in life you will get to where your supposed to be but may take time, please be strong and share your grief with your partner .
Replied on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:49 PM
I just had one in July. It was my first pregnancy and I am scared out of my mind that I may never have kids. I wish I knew when the pain and fear would decrease.
Replied on Sunday, October 7, 2012 5:55 PM